To All Authorized Members,

As we all wrap-up a busy spring and start prepping for what promises to be an active summer storm season, it’s time once again for my quarterly update. If you remember, in my last letter I noted that HMI closed the second busiest January in the company’s history.

Amazingly enough, we followed that up with the second busiest first quarter (Q1) in HMI history, based on tree removal sales. It was only eclipsed by Q1 2023, which included five separate deployment events requiring the HMI network.

Q1 2024 numbers were achieved with only one deployment event in the Portland, Oregon region, which was impacted by a series of ice storms this winter. The size of the event, and size of trees impacted, overwhelmed local resources. Therefore, crews were brought in from California, Washington, and even Texas.

For those of you who were on the receiving end of this activity, we are appreciative of your support and commitment to the HMI program.

How do we make sure that we keep growing opportunities for our network members? By adding to the number of clients we support.

Previously, I mentioned new programs that are now ramping up to include insurers Liberty Mutual, Farmers, and others. We also just wrapped-up negotiations on a contract to increase the support HMI provides to PURE Insurance clients. We are currently in negotiations with another top 10 carrier to launch a new program with them before this year’s tropical storm season.

Additionally, Doug Malawsky’s consulting team has had a successful start to 2024 with a project involving thousands of acres of fire-damaged trees in California with more than $100 million in damaged property. This consulting assignment was awarded to HMI by a law firm, whereas most projects are received from insurance companies. We are confident that lawyers who handle liability claims are an increasingly important channel of business. The combination of these new programs should significantly increase HMI’s referral volume this year.

These initiatives are coming at a good time. You have likely seen our past emails referencing 2024 storm season forecasts. The El Niño weather pattern that inhibits tropical storm formation is waning. La Niña conditions, which enable tropical storm formation, are expected to emerge by late summer/early fall. This corresponds to the peak of hurricane season, to say little about what it could mean for a colder, snowier winter which is also bullish for HMI’s business! With ocean temperatures already at historically high levels, forecasters are sounding the alarm for a hyperactive hurricane season.

As you are also aware, we launched our Pro-Tips series via email this spring. The first topic wrapped up recently on how to get paid more quickly. We will follow that up with tips on successfully responding to Allstate assignments. Future Pro-Tips will include sales strategies, leveraging HMI technology, and interpreting coverage, among other important topics. Our goal with this series is to provide you with best practice intelligence for handling HMI leads.

Lastly, I would like to congratulate our Q1 closing rate leaders: Case Tree & Landscaping in Virginia, Driskill Tree & Landscape Solutions in Georgia, and Tamke Tree Experts in New Jersey. Your dedication to quality service and professionalism is greatly appreciated and reflects very well on the HMI program.

Let’s prepare for the busy season! The combination of a growing HMI client base and projections for a highly active storm season may make 2024 a banner year. As always, HMI is here to support your success with high quality referrals. If you haven’t already done so, please make certain you let Gretchen know if you are interested in deploying for us this storm season.

Thank you to all members.  Stay safe!
